NWT State of the Environment Report 2022
This report, published every four years, provides information on the state and trends of the environment in the NWT, organized over various environmental topics. -
2023 Arctic Report Card
The 2023 Arctic Report Card provides an overview of the vital signs of the Arctic's land, ocean, and air, and relevant newsworthy reports on emerging issues in the Arctic. -
State of the Climate in 2022 - The Arctic
This report documents the status and trajectory of many components of the climate system in the Arctic. -
Canada's Changing Climate Report
This report is focused on answering the questions: how has Canada’s climate changed to date, why, and what changes are projected for the future? -
Northwest Territories Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
The NWT Hazard Identification Risk Assessment identifies the hazards and examines the risks that pose a threat to the people, property, environment and economy of the NWT.