2023 Arctic Report Card
The 2023 Arctic Report Card provides an overview of the vital signs of the Arctic's land, ocean, and air, and relevant newsworthy reports on emerging issues in the Arctic. -
Elders’ stories of Jean Marie River: Impacts of permafrost thaw and forest fi...
Due to concerns about permafrost thaw and forest fires, changes in caribou habitat in JMRFN traditional territory were documented using traditional knowledge and scientific... -
Permafrost thaw slumping and impacts to łuk dagaii (broad whitefish) habitat ...
We combined Gwich’in and scientific knowledge to map łuk dagaii (broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus) habitat in the Peel River Watershed at risk of being affected by thaw slumping. -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Wilfrid Laurier University Adde...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been published by Wilfrid Laurier University... -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Cumulative Impact Monitoring Pr...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been funded by the CIMP program. -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022
This compendium provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, organized by theme.