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Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment - The Substitution of Fossil Fuels with Woody Biomass in the Northwest Territories [Draft]

This study analyzed three options for substituting fossil fuels with woody biomass in the NWT, to determine if they could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Creator Saskatchewan Research Council; contracted to SRC
Summary The use of bioenergy is expanding rapidly around the world due to rising oil prices and the introduction of climate change policies. Previous research on bioenergy production from perennial woody biomass has shown promise both in terms of net greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and other environmental and socio-economic benefits, especially if woody biomass residues are utilized as feedstock and efficient energy conversion technologies such as combustion for heat or co-generation of heat and power are employed. While bioenergy is often assumed to be carbon-neutral, the net reduction of GHG and other emissions and wastes is often significantly less than 100%. CO2 of fossil origin as well as other air emissions may be emitted due to the use of transportation or biomass pre-treatment options. The amount of emissions and wastes released depends on various factors, such as efficiency of the equipment, pre-treatment methods applied, transportation distances, etc. Thus, an evaluation methodology based on life cycle thinking (“cradle-to-grave” approach) is considered the best approach to estimate the environmental impacts associated with existing and future deployment of biomass combustion projects. Three scenarios were analyzed in this study: Scenario 1: Forest bioenergy for home and district heating – production of thermal energy from locally-sourced woody biomass (firewood and woodchips) in the NWT. Scenario 2: Pellet bioenergy for home and district heating – production of thermal energy from imported and locally produced wood pellets. Scenario 3: Heating oil energy for home and district heating – production of thermal energy from imported heating oil. Wood chips produced from locally sourced woody biomass showed the lowest GHG emissions over the full life cycle, followed by locally produced wood pellets and wood pellets imported from Alberta. Wood pellets imported from BC and locally produced firewood combusted in residential conventional technology stove have the highest GHG emissions after heating oil. Based on the life cycle results, we recommend local wood chips and pellets production as one of the strategies for reduction of fossil GHG emissions. We also conclude that harvesting biomass for bioenergy in the NWT is sustainable given the relatively low demand, which represents a small fraction of the territories’ sustainable timber yield. In addition, sustainability will be achieved if best practices are followed regarding the values outlined in the CCFM Criteria: protection of biodiversity and water and soil quality; maintenance of forest health, productivity and carbon storage; and equitable distribution of benefits to local communities. However, there may be site-specific sustainability questions related to, for example, intensive willow harvesting in riparian areas and impacts of harvesting on caribou habitat. Future research should include a full Life Cycle Assessment of bioenergy production, and a forest landscape carbon balance analysis using the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector.
Local Relevance This study considers options for the NWT to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the substitution of fossil fuels with woody biomass.
Tags Greenhouse Gas,Emissions,Emission Reduction,Biomass,Biomass Heating
Geographic Region NWT
Release Date 2011-03-31
Last Modified Date 2011-03-31
Funding Program