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How will climate warming and permafrost thaw affect fish, bugs, and waterfleas living in Arctic lakes? [Draft]

This study looked at how increasing water temperatures and permafrost thaw will affect fish and what they eat, such as bugs (macroinvertebrates) and waterfleas (zooplankton).

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Creator Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program
Summary Northern lakes and the land surrounding them are warming, leading to increasing water temperatures, shoreline permafrost thaw and changes in water quality. This study looked at how these changes will affect fish and what they eat, such as bugs (macroinvertebrates) and waterfleas (zooplankton).
Local Relevance This study looks at how increasing water temperatures and permafrost thaw will affect fish and what they eat in the Gwich'in Settlement Area and Inuvialuit Settlement Region of the NWT.
Notes This bulletin is part of the Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program's NWT Environmental Research Bulletin series - Volume 6, Issue 29.
Tags Permafrost,Fish,Water Quality,Lakes,Macroinvertebrates,Zooplankton
Geographic Region Beaufort Delta
Release Date 2021-01-01
Last Modified Date 2021-01-01
Funding Program Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program