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Good Practices for Integrated Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Communities [Draft]

This publication, targeted at adaptation practitioners and decision-makers, highlights six good adaptation practices that can assist the development of integrative solutions in coastal communities.

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Creator Natural Resources Canada
Summary This publication, targeted at adaptation practitioners and decision-makers, highlights six good practices that can assist the development of integrative solutions, namely: 1. Choosing an appropriate boundary/scale for analysis that considers complete natural and human systems; 2. Seeking or establishing collaborative governance mechanisms to support policy integration; 3. Defining adaptation pathways and avoiding unsustainable approaches; 4. Using an adaptive risk management approach supported by monitoring and evaluation; 5. Considering transformational adaptation options in addition to incremental actions; and 6. Leveraging nature-based solutions for added benefits and opportunities.
Local Relevance This publication details integrated adaptation strategies for coastal communities in Canada. Tuktoyaktuk is used as one of its case studies.
Tags Coast,Adaptation,Tuktoyaktuk
Geographic Region Beaufort Delta
Release Date 2023-10-10
Last Modified Date 2023-10-10
Funding Program