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State of the Climate in 2021 - The Arctic

This publication provides a detailed state of the Canadian Arctic climate in 2021.

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Creator Richard L. Thoman, Matthew L. Druckenmiller, Twila A. Moon, L. M. Andreassen, E. Baker, Thomas J. Ballinger, Logan T. Berner, Germar H. Bernhard, Uma S. Bhatt, Jarle W. Bjerke, L.N. Boisvert, Jason E. Box, B. Brettschneider, D. Burgess, Amy H. Butler, John Cappelen, Hanne H. Christiansen, B. Decharme, C. Derksen, Dmitry Divine, D. S. Drozdov, Chereque A. Elias, Howard E. Epstein, Sinead L. Farrell, Robert S. Fausto, Xavier Fettweis, Vitali E. Fioletov, Bruce C. Forbes, Gerald V. Frost, Sebastian Gerland, Scott J. Goetz, Jens-Uwe Grooß, Christian Haas, Edward Hanna, -Bauer Inger Hanssen, M. M. P. D. Heijmans, Stefan Hendricks, Iolanda Ialongo, K. Isaksen, C. D. Jensen, Bjørn Johnsen, L. Kaleschke, A. L. Kholodov, Seong-Joong Kim , J. Kohler, Niels J. Korsgaard, Zachary Labe, Kaisa Lakkala, Mark J. Lara, Simon H. Lee, Bryant Loomis, B. Luks, K. Luojus, Matthew J. Macander, R. Í Magnússon, G. V. Malkova, Kenneth D. Mankoff, Gloria L. Manney, Walter N. Meier, Thomas Mote, Lawrence Mudryk, Rolf Müller, K. E. Nyland, James E. Overland, F. Pálsson, T. Park, C. L. Parker, Don Perovich, Alek Petty, Gareth K. Phoenix, J. E. Pinzon, Robert Ricker, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, S. P. Serbin, G. Sheffield, Nikolai I. Shiklomanov, Sharon L. Smith, K. M. Stafford, A. Steer, Dimitri A. Streletskiy, Tove Svendby, Marco Tedesco, L. Thomson, T. Thorsteinsson, X. Tian-Kunze, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Hans Tømmervik, Mark Tschudi, C. J. Tucker, Donald A. Walker, John E. Walsh, Muyin Wang, Melinda Webster, A. Wehrlé, Øyvind Winton, G. Wolken, K. Wood, B. Wouters, and D. Yang
Summary This publication provides a detailed state of the Canadian Arctic climate in 2021, including: air temperature, sea temperature, sea ice, glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, tundra greenness, and ozone and UV radiation.
Local Relevance This publication provides a detailed assessment of the state of the Canadian Arctic climate in 2021.
Geographic Region NWT
Release Date 2022-08-01
Last Modified Date 2022-08-01
Funding Program