Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Aurora Research Institute Resea...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been produced through fieldwork in the NWT. -
Climate and permafrost effects on the chemistry and ecosystems of High Arctic...
We present a unique thirteen-year record (2003–16) of the physiochemical properties of two High Arctic lakes and show that water quality has significantly changed. -
Predicting Future Potential Climate-Biomes for the Yukon, Northwest Territori...
This paper investigates how future Yukon, NWT and Alaska biomes may change using clustering methodology, land cover classifications, and historical and projected climate data. -
Arctic warming drives striking twenty-first century ecosystem shifts in Great...
This study documents the rapid restructuring of algal community composition ca 2000 CE that is consistent with recent climate change impacts in the region. -
Changing Lake Ecosystems in Response to Warming Temperatures
This research looked at the impact of forest fires and warming temperatures on small lakes and ponds in the NWT. -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Wilfrid Laurier University Adde...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been published by Wilfrid Laurier University... -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Cumulative Impact Monitoring Pr...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been funded by the CIMP program.