How will climate warming and permafrost thaw affect fish, bugs, and waterflea...
This study looked at how increasing water temperatures and permafrost thaw will affect fish and what they eat, such as bugs (macroinvertebrates) and waterfleas (zooplankton). -
Thaw slumps, landscape change and critical infrastructure
Drone surveys were used to track the growth of thaw slumps in the Gwich’in, Sahtú and Inuvialuit Settlement regions and to calculate the amount of materials carried downslope. -
Remote Sensing of Vegetation on the Bathurst Caribou Herd Range
To help understand the impact of changes to caribou habitat their decline, we analyzed satellite imagery to detect changes in vegetation in the Bathurst caribou herd range. -
‘Watching the Land’: Knowing the Impacts of Change
The K’atl’odeeche First Nation (KFN) established a community-based monitoring program focused on the collection and analysis of Indigenous environmental knowledge, to inform... -
Dramatic changes to the waters of the Inuvik region, NWT
We monitored all aspects of water at sites along the Inuvik – Tuktoyaktuk Highway (ITH), including two streams in the area. -
Changing Lake Ecosystems in Response to Warming Temperatures
This research looked at the impact of forest fires and warming temperatures on small lakes and ponds in the NWT. -
Hot then cold: how paired wildfire and permafrost thaw events are shaping bor...
This project looked at how wildfire and permafrost thaw are impacting the recovery of vegetation important to boreal caribou in southern NWT. -
Recovery of boreal caribou habitat after forest fires
This study examined the impacts of forest fires on the recovery of boreal caribou habitat. -
NWT Thermokarst Mapping Collective
The NWT Thermokarst Mapping Collective project developed a methodology to generate NWT-wide thermokarst and permafrost feature inventory maps. -
Permafrost thaw slumping and impacts to łuk dagaii (broad whitefish) habitat ...
We combined Gwich’in and scientific knowledge to map łuk dagaii (broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus) habitat in the Peel River Watershed at risk of being affected by thaw slumping. -
How does long term exposure to permafrost thaw slumps affect stream health?
From 2010-2014, we sampled the physical habitat and benthic invertebrates (bugs) in the Peel Plateau to assess how permafrost thaw slumps impact stream health. -
Aquatic Ecosystems in the Fort Good Hope Area as Indicators of Environmental ...
We looked at how aquatic bacteria and their functions are changing due to various landscape pressures in the Sahtù Settlement Area (e.g. permafrost thaw, wildfire, land use). -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Wilfrid Laurier University Adde...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been published by Wilfrid Laurier University... -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Cumulative Impact Monitoring Pr...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been funded by the CIMP program. -
NWT Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Report
Explores climate change impacts and specifically adaptation measures. -
Roof Snow Overload Risk Estimation
Adapting to snow loads on infrastructure due to precipitation patterns. -
Dramatic Changes to Waters of the Inuvik Region, NWT - NWT Environmental Rese...
This bulletin outlines a research project to monitor all aspects of water at sites along the Inuvik – Tuktoyaktuk Highway (ITH), including two streams in the area. -
Joint Engagement Summary - Energy Strategy and Climate Change Strategic Frame...
ENR and INF worked together to gather public input through a survey and six regional engagement workshops about key energy and climate change-related themes. -
What We Heard: Summary of Public Review - 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic F...
This document presents a summary of the feedback received form the public review period of Action Plan development, and the manner in which it has been addressed. -
What We Heard: Summary of External Review Period - 2030 NWT Climate Change St...
This document presents a summary of the feedback received from the public review period of climate change strategic framework development, and the manner in which it has been...