The 2014 NWT Fires – Returning results and determining next steps
This is a followup workshop to the 2015 gathering on forest fire research priorities. Here, results of several major projects are reviewed and next steps determined. -
Impacts of wildfires on tǫdzı (Boreal caribou)
Boreal caribou and vegetation monitoring in areas of recent wildfire burn, in addition to Indigenous Knowledge, were used to determine impacts of wildfire on boreal caribou. -
How slumps are impacting aquatic systems in the Gwich’in Settlement Area
We collected water and bug samples at 36 sites in the Stony Creek watershed in the Gwich’in Settlement Area to test if thaw slumps affect macroinvertebrates in streams. -
Ground temperatures and thermokarst in the North Slave Region
Ground temperatures were monitored to examine evidence of ground temperature warming and to assess the influence of various environmental factors on permafrost conditions. -
Changing hydrology in Baker Creek
Meteorological data used to determine trends and changes in autumn rainfall and winter air temperatures over a 37-year record, and streamflow was used to calculate the total... -
Elders’ stories of Jean Marie River: Impacts of permafrost thaw and forest fi...
Due to concerns about permafrost thaw and forest fires, changes in caribou habitat in JMRFN traditional territory were documented using traditional knowledge and scientific... -
How do forest fires affect wetland water quality in Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta?
ECCC has been working with community members to study the water quality of important wetland ecosystems in the Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta protected area. -
Impacts of Fire on Woodland and Barren-ground Caribou Habitat
This study investigated how quickly vegetation regrew following the 2014 fire season to learn the impacts of extreme fires on caribou habitat. -
Impacts of peatland permafrost thaw on water
This project examined the effect of peatland permafrost thaw on water availability and quality in the Dehcho region. -
Modeling Sahtú region landscape futures
Modelling was performed to forecast the consequences of oil/gas development, mining, transportation, fire, climate change, and permafrost on the Sahtú landscape. -
How will climate warming and permafrost thaw affect fish, bugs, and waterflea...
This study looked at how increasing water temperatures and permafrost thaw will affect fish and what they eat, such as bugs (macroinvertebrates) and waterfleas (zooplankton). -
Thaw slumps, landscape change and critical infrastructure
Drone surveys were used to track the growth of thaw slumps in the Gwich’in, Sahtú and Inuvialuit Settlement regions and to calculate the amount of materials carried downslope. -
Remote Sensing of Vegetation on the Bathurst Caribou Herd Range
To help understand the impact of changes to caribou habitat their decline, we analyzed satellite imagery to detect changes in vegetation in the Bathurst caribou herd range. -
Dramatic changes to the waters of the Inuvik region, NWT
We monitored all aspects of water at sites along the Inuvik – Tuktoyaktuk Highway (ITH), including two streams in the area. -
Changing Lake Ecosystems in Response to Warming Temperatures
This research looked at the impact of forest fires and warming temperatures on small lakes and ponds in the NWT. -
Hot then cold: how paired wildfire and permafrost thaw events are shaping bor...
This project looked at how wildfire and permafrost thaw are impacting the recovery of vegetation important to boreal caribou in southern NWT. -
Recovery of boreal caribou habitat after forest fires
This study examined the impacts of forest fires on the recovery of boreal caribou habitat. -
NWT Thermokarst Mapping Collective
The NWT Thermokarst Mapping Collective project developed a methodology to generate NWT-wide thermokarst and permafrost feature inventory maps. -
Permafrost thaw slumping and impacts to łuk dagaii (broad whitefish) habitat ...
We combined Gwich’in and scientific knowledge to map łuk dagaii (broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus) habitat in the Peel River Watershed at risk of being affected by thaw slumping. -
Aquatic Ecosystems in the Fort Good Hope Area as Indicators of Environmental ...
We looked at how aquatic bacteria and their functions are changing due to various landscape pressures in the Sahtù Settlement Area (e.g. permafrost thaw, wildfire, land use).