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Arctic Salmon: Community monitoring initiatives find increasing salmon in the NWT [Draft]

This study investigates salmon numbers in the Arctic through community-based monitoring.

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Creator Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program
Summary Salmon are increasing in the Canadian Arctic. Community members are monitoring these changes through their subsistence harvests and are currently working with researchers at Fisheries and Oceans Canada to understand this change. Increasing salmon may impact native fishes; however, fishers may also benefit from increased harvests. Salmon may be moving further north due to broader changes in ocean and freshwater ecosystems related to climate change.
Local Relevance Local harvesters in the NWT Arctic regions are reporting an increase in the number of salmon. It is important to document and monitor these changes, as they may have a significant impact on the local environment and the peoples inhabiting these areas.
Notes This bulletin is part of the Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program's NWT Environmental Research Bulletin series - Volume 4, Issue 17.
Tags Salmon,Fish,Monitoring,Community Monitoring,Harvesting
Geographic Region Beaufort Delta
Release Date 2019-01-01
Last Modified Date 2019-01-01
Funding Program Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program