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NWT Climate Action Plan: Annual Report 2021-21 [Draft]
Data and Resources
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Field | Value |
Creator | Climate Change and Air Quality |
Summary | Provides a summary of GNWT progress, as of 2020-21, on the mandates and Action Items within the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and its associated Action Plan. The Framework is organized into three goals (pillars): Goal #1: Transition to a strong, healthy economy that uses less fossil fuel, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030; Goal #2: Improve knowledge of the climate change impacts occuring in the NWT; Goal #3: Build resilience and adapt to a changing climate. |
Local Relevance | This document reviews and summarizes the progress the GNWT has made in its climate change commitments for 2019-2023, including each of the specific Action Items. These commitments are outlined in the NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and its associated Action Plan. |
Notes | This document is a review of the progress of the GNWT as of 2020-21, on fulfilling the Framework and Action Items which are outlined in the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and associated Action Plan. |
Tags | Policy,Review,Action Plan |
Geographic Region | NWT |
Release Date | 2021-12-07 |
Last Modified Date | 2021-12-07 |
Funding Program |