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Joint Engagement Summary - Energy Strategy and Climate Change Strategic Framework

ENR and INF worked together to gather public input through a survey and six regional engagement workshops about key energy and climate change-related themes.

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Creator Jakub Olesinski
Summary The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) is leading the development of the NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and the Department of Infrastructure (INF) is leading the development of the NWT Energy Strategy. Given the key linkages between these two initiatives, ENR and INF worked together to gather public input through a survey and six regional engagement workshops. This work was done between August 2016 and March 2017. The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) also received written submissions from several organizations during this same period and hosted a facilitated electricity sector stakeholder meeting to discuss current issues. The survey and the six workshops focused on key energy and climate change-related themes.
Local Relevance About the NWT energy transition
Tags Energy,Renewables,Emissions,Survey,Summary
Geographic Region NWT
Release Date 2017-07-01
Last Modified Date 2017-07-01
Funding Program