2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework

The GNWT’s long-term plan to address climate change between 2019 and 2030.

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Creator GNWT Environment and Climate Change
Summary Provides an outline of GNWT priorities for climate change mitigation and adaptation, from 2019 to 2030. These priorities are organized into three goals (pillars): Goal #1: Transition to a strong, healthy economy that uses less fossil fuel, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030; Goal #2: Improve knowledge of the climate change impacts occurring in the NWT; Goal #3: Build resilience and adapt to a changing climate.
Local Relevance This document outlines the direction that the GNWT will take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve climate change knowledge, and build resilience/adaptation to climate change in the NWT between 2019 and 2023.
Notes This document is associated with the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework 2019-2023 Action Plan, which identifies specific Action Items to accomplish the goals of the Framework.
Tags Policy
Geographic Region NWT
Release Date 2018-05-01
Last Modified Date 2018-05-01
Funding Program