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How do forest fires affect wetland water quality in Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta?

ECCC has been working with community members to study the water quality of important wetland ecosystems in the Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta protected area.

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Creator Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program
Summary How forest fires affect the water quality of wetlands in the Sahtú region is not well understood. Environment and Climate Change Canada has been working with community members to study the water quality of important wetland ecosystems in the protected area of Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta (Ramparts Wetlands), near Rádeyı̨lı̨kóé (Fort Good Hope). Early findings show the wetlands in Ts’ude Niline Tuyeta hold clean water with low levels of contaminants, and that differences in water quality conditions are likely related to forest fire history.
Local Relevance Forest fires in the Sahtu region of the NWT may be increasing due to climate change, so it is important to understand how these changes may affect environmental parameters such as water quality.
Notes This bulletin is part of the Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program's NWT Environmental Research Bulletin series - Volume 5, Issue 22.
Tags Wildfire,Water Quality,Freshwater,Wetlands,Research,Fort Good Hope
Geographic Region Sahtu
Release Date 2021-01-01
Last Modified Date 2021-01-01
Funding Program Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program