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Submissions recieved by the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Climate Change Strategic Framework

Submissions received from various stakeholders on recommendations for the development of the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework.

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Creator GNWT - Environment and Climate Change
Summary This document is a collection of letters from various stakeholders on recommendations for the development of the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework. Stakeholders providing recommendations include Alternatives North, Avalon, CPAWS, DeBeers Canada, Ecology North, Mining Association of Canada, Northern Raven/Ware Consulting, and Solvest.
Local Relevance This document provides feedback by various stakeholders to help shape the development of the NWT's future climate change policy.
Tags Policy,Feedback
Geographic Region NWT
Release Date 2017-08-01
Last Modified Date 2017-08-01
Funding Program