Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Aurora Research Institute Resea...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been produced through fieldwork in the NWT. -
Impacts of wildfires on tǫdzı (Boreal caribou)
Boreal caribou and vegetation monitoring in areas of recent wildfire burn, in addition to Indigenous Knowledge, were used to determine impacts of wildfire on boreal caribou. -
Arctic Salmon: Community monitoring initiatives find increasing salmon in the...
This study investigates salmon numbers in the Arctic through community-based monitoring. -
‘Watching the Land’: Knowing the Impacts of Change
The K’atl’odeeche First Nation (KFN) established a community-based monitoring program focused on the collection and analysis of Indigenous environmental knowledge, to inform... -
Permafrost thaw slumping and impacts to łuk dagaii (broad whitefish) habitat ...
We combined Gwich’in and scientific knowledge to map łuk dagaii (broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus) habitat in the Peel River Watershed at risk of being affected by thaw slumping. -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Wilfrid Laurier University Adde...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been published by Wilfrid Laurier University... -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Cumulative Impact Monitoring Pr...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been funded by the CIMP program. -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022
This compendium provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, organized by theme. -
NWT State of the Environment Report 2022
This report, published every four years, provides information on the state and trends of the environment in the NWT, organized over various environmental topics.