Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Aurora Research Institute Resea...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been produced through fieldwork in the NWT. -
Living With Frozen Ground - A field guide to permafrost in Yellowknife, North...
This guidebook describes some of the challenges to development that permafrost, or frozen ground, presents to the City of Yellowknife. -
Thaw slumps, landscape change and critical infrastructure
Drone surveys were used to track the growth of thaw slumps in the Gwich’in, Sahtú and Inuvialuit Settlement regions and to calculate the amount of materials carried downslope. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This slideshow provides an overview of an analysis completed to understand the economic costs to communities from damage to infrastructure caused by permafrost thaw. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This document summarizes the results of an analysis of the economic costs in all NWT communities which can be attributed to permafrost impacts on community assets. -
State of Knowledge Regarding Permafrost Degradation and Community Infrastruct...
This report provides an overview of the work of the NWTAC's Climate Change Working Group to identify, collect and classify all available information related to permafrost thaw... -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Wilfrid Laurier University Adde...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been published by Wilfrid Laurier University... -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022 - Cumulative Impact Monitoring Pr...
This compendium addendum provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, that has been funded by the CIMP program. -
Report on 2012–2017 shallow ground thermal investigations on the Tibbitt to ...
This report looks into the effects warming temperature and ground will have on transportation/infrastructure in the north. -
Compendium of Climate Change Knowledge 2022
This compendium provides a summary of the most significant academic literature about climate change in the NWT, organized by theme.