Climate Change Adaptation - Best Practices for Natural Resource Development i...
This document reviews existing climate risk management and adaptation activities, and recommends best practices for adaptation applicable to the resource sectors in Canada's North. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This slideshow provides an overview of an analysis completed to understand the economic costs to communities from damage to infrastructure caused by permafrost thaw. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This document summarizes the results of an analysis of the economic costs in all NWT communities which can be attributed to permafrost impacts on community assets. -
State of Knowledge Regarding Permafrost Degradation and Community Infrastruct...
This report provides an overview of the work of the NWTAC's Climate Change Working Group to identify, collect and classify all available information related to permafrost thaw... -
Canada's Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate
This report is an assessment of changes on Canada's east, west, and north coasts, and the challenges and opportunities these changes will create.