Climate Change Adaptation - Best Practices for Natural Resource Development in Canada's North

This document reviews existing climate risk management and adaptation activities, and recommends best practices for adaptation applicable to the resource sectors in Canada's North.

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Creator Navius Research (Chris Bataille, Suzanne Goldberg and Noel Melton), Dan Wong, CS Environmental (Craig Scott), Thorpe Consulting Services (Natasha Thorpe), and Ecology North (Christine Wenman)
Summary Building knowledge and developing best practices for energy and mining development in Canada’s North will be key to managing the risks and opportunities of existing and anticipated changes in climate. As part of this effort, NRCan has contracted Navius Research and its northern partners to conduct a review of existing climate risk management and adaptation activities in resource development sectors across the circumpolar world, in order to recommend best practices for climate change adaptation applicable to the energy and mining sectors in Canada's North. Our approach was three-fold: 1. Research – Identify existing adaptation activities in the energy and mining sectors in Canada’s North and other circumpolar regions 2. Evaluate – Assess these activities relative to best practice criteria 3. Recommend – Develop recommendations for implementing best practices based on lessons learned
Local Relevance This study determines best practices for energy and mining development in Canada's north through examination and study of existing projects in the north, including some in the NWT such as Gahcho Kue and the Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road Joint Venture.
Tags Adaptation,Guide,Best Practices,Development,Gahcho Kue,Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road Joint Venture,Review
Geographic Region NWT
Release Date 2013-06-01
Last Modified Date 2013-06-01
Funding Program