Arctic Large Aquatic Basin climate change assessment part 2: Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Opportunities (IVO) - A contribution to the Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Services Program

This report examines how climate change will impact DFO priorities in the Arctic Large Aquatic Basin by assessing climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and opportunities.

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Creator A. Niemi, O. Schimnowski, J.D. Reist
Summary DFOs Aquatic Climate Change Adaptations Services Program (ACCASP) incorporates adaptation science into decision-making processes across its sectors to effectively manage the risks that climate change poses to mandate delivery. This report examines how climate change will impact DFO priorities in the Arctic Large Aquatic Basin (LAB) by assessing climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and opportunities (IVO) relevant to DFO sectors, programs and clients. Climate change IVO are presented for four categories (Arctic resources, Arctic structure, Arctic stability and the emerging Arctic) that reflect specific ecosystem components integral to sectoral activities and management responsibilities. The impact level and likelihood of individual IVO are presented and linked to program level activities of DFOs Program Alignment Architecture for eight different agencies/sectors as well as co-managers/resource users. The results indicated that over the next 50 years, climate change IVO will no longer be manageable under normal business circumstances of DFO. Rather, critical events are expected to require additional management steps by DFO. Unanticipated and variable effects on DFO business are also anticipated given the complex interactions of ecosystem and climate systems and the current status of risk-based scenarios assumptions. We recommend that DFO Science target the description and prediction of ecosystem thresholds and triggers within a strategic program that integrates monitoring, including mechanistic research, modelling and synthesis activities. These actions will enhance DFOs capacity to anticipate change and reduce uncertainties of climate change IVO.
Local Relevance This report examines how climate change will impact DFO priorities in the Arctic, including the NWT.
Tags Ocean,Beaufort Sea,Mackenzie River Basin,Canadian Arctic Archipelago,Baffin Bay,Davis Strait,Hudson Bay,Marine
Geographic Region Beaufort Delta
Release Date 2016-01-01
Last Modified Date 2016-01-01
Funding Program