Canada's Changing Climate Report - in Light of the Latest Global Science Assessment

This supplement provides a summary of crucial updates to the original Canada's Changing Climate Report, based on new science from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.

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Creator Bush, E., Bonsal, B., Derksen, C., Flato, G., Fyfe, J., Gillett, N., Greenan, B.J.W., James, T.S., Kirchmeier-Young, M., Mudryk, L., Zhang, X.
Summary New science assessed in the Working Group I Contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (AR6 WGI) provides additional information on regional changes in climate to support regional risk assessment. The following conclusions from the AR6 WGI are particularly relevant to Canada’s Changing Climate: amplification of warming for northern regions is a robust feature of both past and future warming, and further declines in snow cover, glaciers, sea ice and permafrost extent are projected with additional warming; changes in many types of extremes are already observed, their attribution to human influence has strengthened, and changes in many types of extremes are expected to increase in frequency and severity with every additional increment of global warming; continued global warming is projected to further intensify the global water cycle, including its variability and the severity of wet and dry events; the frequency and severity of extreme sea-level events will also increase where relative sea level is projected to rise.
Local Relevance This supplement provides a summary of crucial updates to the original Canada's Changing Climate Report, based on new science from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. Some of these updates are relevant for Canada's north including the NWT.
Tags IPCC,Supplement
Geographic Region NWT
Release Date 2022-03-23
Last Modified Date 2022-03-23
Funding Program