Nahanni Butte Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Nahanni Butte. -
Jean Marie River Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Jean Marie River. -
Fort Simpson Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Fort Simpson. -
Fort Liard Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Fort Liard. -
Yellowknife Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Yellowknife. -
Whatì Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Whatì. -
Wekweètì Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Wekweètì. -
Dettah Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Dettah. -
Łutselkʼe Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Łutselkʼe. -
Gamèti Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Gamèti. -
Behchokǫ Community Wildfire Protection Plan
This plan was developed to provide practical and operational wildland/urban risk mitigation strategies to reduce the threat of wildfire to the community of Behchokǫ. -
Integrated Climate Change Adaptation to Increase Resilience in Canadian Coa...
Exploring climate change risks to Canadian coastal communities. -
NWT Communities: On the Front Line of Climate Change
This video outlines the challenges NWT communities are facing when dealing with climate change impacts. Includes interviews and first-hand experiences by local community... -
Integrating Climate Change Measures into Municipal Planning and Decision-Maki...
This guide was developed to assist communities in the NWT integrate climate change adaptation measures into existing and future community plans. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This slideshow provides an overview of an analysis completed to understand the economic costs to communities from damage to infrastructure caused by permafrost thaw. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This document summarizes the results of an analysis of the economic costs in all NWT communities which can be attributed to permafrost impacts on community assets. -
State of Knowledge Regarding Permafrost Degradation and Community Infrastruct...
This report provides an overview of the work of the NWTAC's Climate Change Working Group to identify, collect and classify all available information related to permafrost thaw... -
Sea level rise risks and societal adaptation benefits in low-lying coastal areas
This paper contrasts end-century SLR risks under two warming and two adaptation scenarios, for four coastal settlement archetypes including Arctic Communities. -
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Infrastructure in all NWT Communities
This project conducts a high-level climate change vulnerability assessment of all GNWT and community-owned infrastructure using the PIEVC Protocol.