Regional-scale ground-ice modelling for the Slave geological province
This report provides digital files of modelled ground ice abundance across a broad portion of the Slave Geological Province. -
Climate Change Adaptation - Best Practices for Natural Resource Development i...
This document reviews existing climate risk management and adaptation activities, and recommends best practices for adaptation applicable to the resource sectors in Canada's North. -
Canada in a Changing Climate - National Issues Report
This report focuses on climate change impacts and adaptation issues of national importance or that are best understood through an integrated, pan-Canadian perspective. -
Integrated Climate Change Adaptation to Increase Resilience in Canadian Coa...
Exploring climate change risks to Canadian coastal communities. -
The State of Northwest Territories Forests In the Wake of Climate Change: Bas...
This report summarizes the current ecological conditions of forested ecosystems in the NWT and identifies gaps in our understanding of northern forests and ecosystem processes. -
Map of Adaptation Actions
The Map of Adaptation Actions houses a collection of climate change adaptation examples that may be useful to decision-makers and those taking action on climate change adaptation. -
Canada's Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate
This report is an assessment of changes on Canada's east, west, and north coasts, and the challenges and opportunities these changes will create. -
Canada's Changing Climate Report
This report is focused on answering the questions: how has Canada’s climate changed to date, why, and what changes are projected for the future? -
Canada in a Changing Climate - Synthesis Report
This report draws from and provides added value to five reports of the comprehensive climate change assessment process launched in 2017. -
Polar Continental Shelf Program Science Report 2019
This report summarizes ongoing research projects and associated fieldwork occurring in the Arctic and supported by the Polar Continental Shelf Program, much of it climate change... -
Planned Retreat Approaches to Support Resilience to Climate Change in Canada
This report seeks to identify success factors and common pitfalls that are likely to extend more broadly across planned retreat efforts in response to climate change impacts. -
Climate Sensitivity of High Arctic Permafrost Terrain Demonstrated by Widespr...
This paper shows that climate-driven thaw of hilltop ice-wedge networks is rapidly transforming uplands across Banks Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. -
Modelling Ground Ice In Permafrost Using A Paleogeographic Approach
This is an infographic that shows how new models depict ground ice in permafrost in Canada. The models use a new approach to calculate ground ice abundance in a geographic... -
Canada’s Changing Climate Report, Chapter 8: Changes in Canada’s Regions in a...
This chapter synthesizes past and future changes for six regions of Canada, drawing from the other chapters of this report, and sets them within a global and national context. -
Canada’s Changing Climate Report, Chapter 7: Changes in Oceans Surrounding Ca...
This chapter takes a look at how climate change is affecting the oceans around Canada. -
Canada’s Changing Climate Report, Chapter 4: Temperature and Precipitation Ac...
This chapter assesses observed and projected changes in temperature and precipitation for Canada, and it presents analyses of some recent extreme events and their causes. -
Canada’s Changing Climate Report, Chapter 6: Changes in Freshwater Availabili...
This chapter assesses past and future climate-related changes to surface runoff (streamflow), surface water levels, soil moisture and drought, and groundwater in Canada. -
Canada’s Changing Climate Report, Chapter 3: Modelling Future Climate Change
This chapter looks at how we use data, technology, and models to monitor or predict the climate. -
Canada's Changing Climate Report, Chapter 2: Understanding Observed Global Cl...
What is climate change? This is a summary of the current facts. -
Canada’s Changing Climate Report, Chapter 5: Changes in Snow, Ice, and Permaf...
This chapter presents evidence that snow, ice, and permafrost are changing across Canada because of increasing temperatures and changes in precipitation.