Climate Change Adaptation - Best Practices for Natural Resource Development i...
This document reviews existing climate risk management and adaptation activities, and recommends best practices for adaptation applicable to the resource sectors in Canada's North. -
A Guidebook on Climate Scenarios - Using Climate Information to Guide Adaptat...
This guidebook is meant to provide increased capacity to understand climate information; better evaluate climate information needs; and become more critical of provided... -
Living With Frozen Ground - A field guide to permafrost in Yellowknife, North...
This guidebook describes some of the challenges to development that permafrost, or frozen ground, presents to the City of Yellowknife. -
Guide on Climate Change Adaptation for the Mining Sector
The guidance describes a three-stage process that mine owners can apply to consider and incorporate climate change adaptation considerations into decision-making. -
Managing Natural Assets to Increase Coastal Resilience - Guidance Document fo...
This document provides coastal communities with guidance about how to inventory their coastal natural assets, develop asset management options and evaluate alternatives. -
Guide to Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Government of the Nor...
This document provides GNWT departments with a guide to completing the Climate Change Factors section of Executive Council and Financial Management Board documents.