Climate Change Adaptation - Best Practices for Natural Resource Development i...
This document reviews existing climate risk management and adaptation activities, and recommends best practices for adaptation applicable to the resource sectors in Canada's North. -
A Guidebook on Climate Scenarios - Using Climate Information to Guide Adaptat...
This guidebook is meant to provide increased capacity to understand climate information; better evaluate climate information needs; and become more critical of provided... -
Guide on Climate Change Adaptation for the Mining Sector
The guidance describes a three-stage process that mine owners can apply to consider and incorporate climate change adaptation considerations into decision-making. -
Canada in a Changing Climate - National Issues Report
This report focuses on climate change impacts and adaptation issues of national importance or that are best understood through an integrated, pan-Canadian perspective. -
Managing Natural Assets to Increase Coastal Resilience - Guidance Document fo...
This document provides coastal communities with guidance about how to inventory their coastal natural assets, develop asset management options and evaluate alternatives. -
Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing Our Knowledge for Action
This assessment provides evidence-based and quantitative information to show how Canada’s climate is changing, and the effects on health and health systems. -
Wildfire Risk Assessment & Mitigation Plan - NTPC Hydro Facilities
This plan evaluates wildfire potential and provides mitigation recommendations to the NTPC facilities at Taltson, Bluefish, Snare, Fort Smith, Jackfish Lake, and transmission... -
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment - The Substitution of Fossil Fuels with W...
This study analyzed three options for substituting fossil fuels with woody biomass in the NWT, to determine if they could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. -
2023 Arctic Report Card
The 2023 Arctic Report Card provides an overview of the vital signs of the Arctic's land, ocean, and air, and relevant newsworthy reports on emerging issues in the Arctic. -
Integrated Climate Change Adaptation to Increase Resilience in Canadian Coa...
Exploring climate change risks to Canadian coastal communities. -
Inuit Observations on Climate Change - Final Report
This study seeks to understand the Traditional Knowledge (TK) of Inuit regarding climate change and to explore the contribution of TK to research on climate change in the Arctic. -
Protected Areas and Climate Change in Canada - Challenges and Opportunities f...
This report provides a national synthesis of climate change in protected areas in Canada for conservation professionals and decisionmakers engaged in managing protected areas. -
Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development
This book discusses eight themes of climate change in the Arctic, from an interdisciplinary focus including the Indigenous perspective. -
Integrating Climate Change Measures into Municipal Planning and Decision-Maki...
This guide was developed to assist communities in the NWT integrate climate change adaptation measures into existing and future community plans. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This slideshow provides an overview of an analysis completed to understand the economic costs to communities from damage to infrastructure caused by permafrost thaw. -
The Technical Opportunities & Economic Implications of Permafrost Decay on Pu...
This document summarizes the results of an analysis of the economic costs in all NWT communities which can be attributed to permafrost impacts on community assets. -
State of Knowledge Regarding Permafrost Degradation and Community Infrastruct...
This report provides an overview of the work of the NWTAC's Climate Change Working Group to identify, collect and classify all available information related to permafrost thaw... -
Visual Minutes for the Climate Change & Asset Management Conference - Novembe...
This document contains the visual minutes - ie. drawings illustrating the notes - for the 2022 Climate Change & Asset Management Conference. -
Visual Minutes for the 2018 Climate Change Forum and Charrette
This document contains the visual minutes - ie. drawings illustrating the notes - for the 2018 Climate Change Forum and Charrette. -
Building Community Resilience
Key considerations and lessons learned from twelve Canadian communities in building climate resilience.