Climate Change Adaptation - Best Practices for Natural Resource Development i...
This document reviews existing climate risk management and adaptation activities, and recommends best practices for adaptation applicable to the resource sectors in Canada's North. -
Laurier Northern Webinar Series: Wildfire in the North - Impacts and Adaptations
Each hour-long webinar features presentations from leading researchers and community members, providing a comprehensive exploration of northern research topics. -
A Guidebook on Climate Scenarios - Using Climate Information to Guide Adaptat...
This guidebook is meant to provide increased capacity to understand climate information; better evaluate climate information needs; and become more critical of provided... -
Guide on Climate Change Adaptation for the Mining Sector
The guidance describes a three-stage process that mine owners can apply to consider and incorporate climate change adaptation considerations into decision-making. -
Canada in a Changing Climate - National Issues Report
This report focuses on climate change impacts and adaptation issues of national importance or that are best understood through an integrated, pan-Canadian perspective. -
Managing Natural Assets to Increase Coastal Resilience - Guidance Document fo...
This document provides coastal communities with guidance about how to inventory their coastal natural assets, develop asset management options and evaluate alternatives. -
Adaptation Actions For a Changing Arctic - Perspectives from the Bering-Chukc...
This is a full and comprehensive report on adaption required in the Bering Chukchi-Beaufort Region in a changing climate. -
Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing Our Knowledge for Action
This assessment provides evidence-based and quantitative information to show how Canada’s climate is changing, and the effects on health and health systems. -
Anthropogenic, Direct Pressures on Coastal Wetlands
Coastal wetlands, such as in the Beaufort Delta, are investigated for impacts from various anthropogenic factors such as climate change. -
Integrated Climate Change Adaptation to Increase Resilience in Canadian Coa...
Exploring climate change risks to Canadian coastal communities. -
Protected Areas and Climate Change in Canada - Challenges and Opportunities f...
This report provides a national synthesis of climate change in protected areas in Canada for conservation professionals and decisionmakers engaged in managing protected areas. -
Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development
This book discusses eight themes of climate change in the Arctic, from an interdisciplinary focus including the Indigenous perspective. -
The Land of our Future
In this video, local hunters, elders, and municipal and territorial government leaders are interviewed to get a sense of how the land has changed over the past 30 to 40 years. -
NWT Communities: On the Front Line of Climate Change
This video outlines the challenges NWT communities are facing when dealing with climate change impacts. Includes interviews and first-hand experiences by local community... -
Integrating Climate Change Measures into Municipal Planning and Decision-Maki...
This guide was developed to assist communities in the NWT integrate climate change adaptation measures into existing and future community plans. -
Building Community Resilience
Key considerations and lessons learned from twelve Canadian communities in building climate resilience. -
Map of Adaptation Actions
The Map of Adaptation Actions houses a collection of climate change adaptation examples that may be useful to decision-makers and those taking action on climate change adaptation. -
Canada's Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate
This report is an assessment of changes on Canada's east, west, and north coasts, and the challenges and opportunities these changes will create. -
Canadian Extreme Water Level Adaptation Tool (CAN-EWLAT)
This tool provides sea level rise projections for Canada's coastlines over the coming century, and advice on how high to build coastal infrastructure to accommodate the rise. -
Canada in a Changing Climate - Synthesis Report
This report draws from and provides added value to five reports of the comprehensive climate change assessment process launched in 2017.